This process is called a Circadian rhythm. It is influenced by light and darkness, and generally follows a 24-hour cycle. If your Circadian Rhythm is out of sync, it can result in issues such as insomnia and/or excessive daytime sleepiness. The cause can be external (such as jet lag, a time change or shift work).
All humans (in fact, most living organisms) have an “internal” clock that tells us when to sleep and when to wake

Signs & Symptoms
- Insomnia
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Irregular sleep patterns
- Unconventional sleep schedules
- Poor sleep quality
Common Treatment Options
- Improving sleep hygiene/ sleep environment
- Light therapy
- Prescribed medication
Common Sleep Disorders
Are Your Losing Sleep Over Losing Sleep?
Download our referral form for your family doctor to fill-in prior to booking an appointment at Maple Respiratory Group’s Calgary sleep clinic.